Saturday, September 6, 2008

Multi-Media Training: Live Blogging with Roberta Baskin

Speaking on Camera with Roberta Baskin:

“You need your butterflies”

1. Sit up straight
2. Define your space
3. Avoid up-talking (takes away from authority). Use inflection but without taking away from yourself.
4. Breath and space is crucial.
5. Stay quiet when doing interviews. Sometimes space is good and can fill-up things.
6. Get Flip-video for less than $150.00. Great for blogs. Check it out HERE:
7. Don’t wear white, no stripes, no big jewelry (no dangly earrings). “When in doubt, throw it out.” No scarf. Voice should have color and energy. Avoid Black….can do weird things to the camera
8. Over-modulate (within reason).

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